By Leyla Bilali, BSN, RN

Whether it’s your first miscarriage or loss or your second, third, fourth, etc. – yes, sadly, recurrent miscarriage happens too often than I’d like to admit – it makes even the smoothest, healthy pregnancy after feel like a rollercoaster. Once you’ve gone through something that traumatic it’s hard to go back to where you started and have the benefit of ignorance is bliss – the innocence and excitement that brings about the joy of pregnancy with a healthy baby no longer applies. You’re scarred. And nobody can blame you for that.

It’s important to first accept that your level of anxiety may be heightened the second you have that positive pregnancy test or pregnancy hormone level (hcg) at your physician’s office. Your mind may automatically go to the negative outcomes that you’ve previously experienced – it’s how your brain has now been trained. So if you're having a difficult time with pregnancy after miscarriage or loss, coping mechanisms are KEY for your health and wellness to get you through to the other side.



Embrace Her Legacy Podcast


I Can’t Believe I’m Pregnant. No, Really.